Successful cases
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Case 1: End of Line for Handling Bags, Bales and Boxes
Palletizing induction system with product justifier, GAP controller, reading, belt diverter for 6 palletizing lines and empty pallet feeding.
- Four Kawasaki robotic palletizing cells.
- Gripper design for empty pallet gripping.
- Kraft paper.
- Bags, bundles and boxes.
- wCs Ropim to provide monitoring.
- Notification of states.
- System configuration.
- Control the traffic system.
- Induction to palletizing lines.
- Real time system status.
- Read, diverted, palletized and rejected products.
- Stops.
- System history of the system in production.
Cells Robotics
Gravity Skatewheel
Connex Plastic Chain
Case 2: Transportation, Order Picking and Order Sorting System
Product picking from six cross docking dock entrances and order picking on three rack levels.
Conveying and blending of the three-level, six-entry cross docking product, leading to a high-speed shoe sorting system with 65 exits.
ProSort SS
ProSort SC
ProSort 1000
ProSort MRT
Case 3: ULD Container and Parcel Handling Equipment
To increase container productivity ULD utilizo los siguientes elementos:
- Hydraulic table with load wheels + walkway + 8" motorized rollers to give greater traction to ULD at the time of loading and unloading trucks.
- Platform with loading wheels + 4" rollers with rubber protectors.
- Platform with Loading Roller.
- ULD unloading and loading equipment.
- Conveyor belts: In this project, conveyor belts were integrated for handling packages and light loads, such as live roller equipment with belt (ABLR) and belt (190-ACC), belt on table (SB), motorized man-pass equipment (Pawered Gate) and motorized flexible equipment (Powered Flexible)..
- Hytrol brand equipment.
- Control Panel: The control panel has one (1) controller. Compaq-Logix en comunicación Ethernet/IP con un HMIIn addition, it is governed by fifteen (15) speed variators, and there are control and signaling elements at the main gate, as well as control stations distributed throughout the system and stopped by guaya.
- Additional elements: small slide, sorting table, bag racks, bucket rack, weighing table, selleveling bucket.
Drag Chain
Plastic Chain
Case 4: Cash handling with traffic control, automation and control
Automation system with conveyors of different models and pneumatic actuators for dosing empty boxes to the labeling area, to feed the order preparation lines divided into work zones where pneumatic brakes are activated to facilitate the filling of the box by the collaborator and output through an express line to the weighing to the review and audit area, combination of lines at different levels and flows.
In the selection of the equipment to be used, our engineering and automation department selected:
- In the selection of the equipment to be used, our engineering and automation department selected:
- Downward spirals.
- Mechanical and pneumatic thrust derailleurs.
- Transfers at 90° and 30°.
- Passes motorized men.
- Inclined descent and ascent equipment.
- Cardan shaft conveyors.
- Pneumatic brakes.
- Automation and control of the system from a supervisory server.
- Remote boards.
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